TL;DR Mommy isues may potentially destroy the whole universe. 10/10.

Going into this movie, I had only seen the typical tumblr screenshots of the laundry and taxes scene (if you know you know) and had heard that this movie got very good reviews. I did expect to see something very ~deep and profound~ because that's what the internet said.
Then the movie started with showing the everyday life of a woman who owns a laundromat, something something lower middle class immigrant mom struggles. Don't get me wrong, this is what I expected for the most part, until the movie starts to bring in the sci-fi element. So now we have to see the immigrant mom struggles along with a convoluted (at first at least) multi-universe "saving the world" plot. And a shit ton of kung fu fighting scenes in slow motion where everyone does backflips while travelling through dimensions.
I'll admit I liked the idea of the savior of the world being just a mom. We already have too many "chosen ones" that are either unassumingly handsome men or not like the other girls girlbosses. But I also kept thinking, is that it? Is that the deep profound movie that everyone kept talking about or is it just king fu?
When the movie gets to about 3/4ths of the way in, it just decides to throw in a scene - all I'm saying is I had cried once watching a movie, and this day that changed because now we got to two times. I am not good at describing things, but the best and only way I can describe it is probably what you see when "life flashes before our eyes", i guess. Then you get some more kung fu mixed with that kind of scenes and the movie ends and you can now flex that you've seen the movie and yes, you liked it because you are so different.
The fact that you go through a good chunk of the movie expecting it to be some mindless sci-fi action film and that gets flipped at the point where you no longer expect it is, I think, very smart. The fact that the driving force of the mom is that her life plainly sucks and she has nothing to lose, and that the antagonist that will destroy the entire universe is her daughter are also creative - not like we haven't seen parent-child dynamics before, but it is very well done. This movie is true to the title, what happens really is. Everything.

(pic unrelated, i just liked sideways laser)
IMDB says: A middle-aged Chinese immigrant is swept up into an insane adventure in which she alone can save existence by exploring other universes and connecting with the lives she could have led.