TL;DR Japanese people mix up L's and R's, Americans are so confused by it they resort to cheating on their spouses who kind of had it coming. 8.7/10

It basically took me like a week to watch this movie because I was in the middle of a Minecraft obsession resurgence and couldn't bring myself to sit down to watch a movie that isn't even that long due to the overwhelming need to chop down trees and smelt iron (ingame) but I am glad I finally pulled through. Definitely a movie you should watch alone, unless you just so happen to be living in the exact situation the main protagonists are in, in which case it would be kind of funny and kind of sad to watch it with the other person in the scenario.
I liked, again, that the plot was basically "two Americans in Japan have respective relationship problems and can't hang with the locals because they are different" or something like that. Therefore no real plot, just a background. Also this was a really really pretty movie. The color grading was very pretty and there was a soft filter I think, and everything looked a little washed, which I suppose makes sense in the context. The characters seemed like people you would in fact meet, unlike a lot of movie characters - there wasn't anything too outstanding about them and I am a fan of that.
I haven't lived in another country, or even city, where I don't really know anyone. But I have felt lonely in my life and I think that people who have spent most of their lives feeling like that tend to romanticize and want this experience, another person to be lonely with. Which tends to not really work, because it is hard to abandon this mentality if you coexist with a person that shares it, and you both have to go back to being lonely by yourselves again. But sharing a bad feeling sometimes makes it less bad, and to be honest, I now kinda feel bad that we can't casually send faxes anymore.
IMDB says: A faded movie star and a neglected young woman form an unlikely bond after crossing paths in Tokyo.
Personally, if I had 1 euro for each movie I watch with two protagonists that become vaguely romantically involved with each other because of loneliness I could buy something like a pack of cigarettes maybe. Not much but it's something. And to be fair I am actively seeking these movies out myself, because I find them relatable, which can't be good for my mental health surely but who cares.